
What's up at Bluestem?

Bluestem's Response to COVID-19

In response to the pandemic of COVID-19, Bluestem Montessori has moved entirely to Learn From Home.

For our students, that means that we will be doing lots of video-conferencing. Luckily, Montessori kids already know how to work independently. They have created their work spaces at home and already know how to create weekly plans and log their progress. We know that they will be just fine, and we are actually enjoying this opportunity to explore all that the digital world has to offer. Virtual tours of the Louvre? Yes, please.

For our prospective families, that means that we cannot offer in person tours or interviews at the moment. We ARE still taking applications for 2020-2021. We will contact you when we receive your application to figure out the best way to speak with your family.

If you have been thinking about Bluestem and just have questions or were hoping to schedule a tour, please still contact us. We will happily answer all of your questions and figure out ways to share pictures and videos we already have with you so you can still get a sense of our classroom.

Until Next Time,


Executive Director/Lead Teacher

Laura RobertsComment