
What's up at Bluestem?

Internship/Volunteer Opportunities at Bluestem Montessori

Hello, Bluestem Friends!  You have probably noticed a decrease in the number of blog posts I’ve been putting up.  Have no fear - this does NOT mean that things are slowing down!  On the contrary, I have been so busy getting important details ironed out for our August opening that I haven’t had much time to write.  I will try to get better about this! 

One thing we’re doing to try to get everything done is looking to fill formalized, dedicated volunteer positions.  I have a list of projects, big and small, that volunteers could take on.  There are three ways you can help here: 

  1. If you just want to help Bluestem open but haven’t been sure of how to help, I can now give you specific projects or action items.  Let me know where your interests lie and what kind of time you’d like to give, and I can give you specific tasks.  I am learning how to delegate!
  2. This would make a great internship for a student who wants experience in education, educational administration, or nonprofit administration and/or fundraising.  We can figure out what would be most useful for you and put together a project.  
  3. For those who don’t need/want an internship but do need experience in the fields of education or nonprofits, this will be a great resume builder - I write amazing letters of reference (I was in grad school for a long time!)  As with internships, we can come up with a specific project or area of focus for you. 

Here’s the beauty of volunteering for Bluestem Montessori - as a start-up, we are so darn flexible.  We are grateful for any level of help you can give, and we can taylor your experience to fit your needs.  The other beautiful thing is that by helping us, you are literally building the program.  You can bring your vision to this school - your ideas can shape Bluestem and make it great. 

If you are interested in an internship or volunteer position, please contact me at  

Until next time,
