
What's up at Bluestem?

Season's Greetings!

I don't know what things are like in your houses right now.  I would like to say that my house is a peaceful retreat of calm, but it isn't.  My reality is noisy, messy, and very excited, full of to-do lists on my part and breathless (but somehow not quiet) anticipation on my kids' part.  In my head, I thought I would have time to write a heart-felt blog post about how Montessori education teaches empathy, and peacefulness, and self-reflection, and a bunch of other wonderful things that seem fitting for this season.  And it does teach those things.  But Montessori education isn't magic, and it doesn't make excited kids quiet, at least not in my experience (and I'm pretty sure not in my mother's experience, either).  It also doesn't make my own to-do lists magically shorter.   In all honesty, I am not sure if I will be able to post a blog post next week or not, because when my daughters are home from school thinking coherent thoughts becomes a luxury, and we are working on some exciting developments here at Bluestem that need to take priority over blogging (updates to come in January!). So here's what I will say today:  I wish you all a very happy holiday season, no matter what holiday you celebrate or whether you celebrate at all.  I wish you a fun, if noisy, winter break.  And I sincerely wish you moments of peaceful reflection to go along with the wonderful chaos of kids home from school for a week.

Until next time,
