
What's up at Bluestem?

Our Annual Rummage Sale - THIS WEEK!

Bluestem's Annual Rummage Sale is THIS WEEKEND!  There is always something for everyone at this sale - so far this year, I have seen furniture, kids' toys, adult and kid clothes, housewares, books, and donations are still coming in!!  This is a big fundraiser for us, and you can help in a few ways:

1. Stop by June 15-17 from 9-5! The sale is at 67th and Van Dorn (signs will point you in).  Find hidden treasures and support our school!

2. For first dibs on cool things, volunteer to help us price and sort our donations!  You can sign up here:

3.  We are still taking donations!  Let us know at and we'll arrange a drop off time (or pick up time if you need it!)

Until next time,


Laura Erickson